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To increase the community's awareness of racial trauma, it's impact on the community, and resources to promote resiliency and recovery. 

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Evolving Journey: We’re still here

This word is not about me alone. It speaks to all those who have carried me along the way. It acknowledges that over the course of my sojourn I have learned that my evolving journey was not one of independence but rather, interdependence.

Through epiphanies  came an understanding that my evolving journey has been spirit led and fed with assistance from a multi-generational Sista - hood.

I have come to understand that we survive, even thrive through benefits derived from alignment with a Sista - hood that carries us through hurting to healing.  We’re still here! Revealing our unified connection that spans the test of time and demonstrating our strength in standing as one.

Word by: Dr. D/ Dr. Deborah Tanksley-Brown

Shared on 9/28/24

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